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female body using hands to make heart over the gut

The Fat-Gut Axis: Is Leaky Gut Keeping You Fat

This strange term may conjure up visuals of a giant belly rotating around a pole like a merry-go round horse, but is actually scientific speak for the fact that our gut (digestive tract) & our...

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woman sitting on loo with holiday constipation

Why Am I Always Constipated Over The Holidays?

So the typical January ‘I feel fat / toxic / out of whack / lethargic / ate too much / drank too much / still recovering’ new year orders are really flowing in & markets are still crazy busy! ...

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acid and alkaline foods

Acid and Alkaline Foods List: What Is The Alkaline Diet?

What do people really mean when they talk about an ‘Alkaline Diet’? It’s promoted as a cure all - the miraculous answer to every ailment you can think of, going through cycles of popularity - but t...

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quality greens powder

How To Pick The Best Greens Powder - So You’re Not Wasting Money On Fillers. 

Greens powder is one of my ‘must have’ easy all round health boosters, I recommend it to almost everyone (& have done for 20+ years since I learnt about them & first experienced their bene...

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pair of santa slippers on a scale

11 easy ways to avoid the common Christmas Bulge

Partying = calories!! Party food, alcohol, not enough sleep and waking up late feeling ordinary with a hangover & craving grease can quickly & easily derail anyones Summer bikini-body effor...

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natural ttips for managing long covid

Naturopathic Tips For Long Covid

Long Covid symptoms or ‘PASC’ (Post Acute Sequalae of Covid) are affecting many people at present, so I thought I’d share some of what’ I’ve learnt. Most of these tips are in alignment with what n...

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class of people doing yoga

Bodywork for IBS, Digestive Support, Pain…& Everything Else!

In naturopathy - there’s a concept called ‘obstacle to cure’. When a ‘dis-eased’ human asks for help, one really important consideration is “what are the obstacles to cure for this person?”. These...

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somone sitting clutching stomach pondering the causes of bloating

Suffering From Bloating? Possible Causes & Naturopathic Tips To Help

Bloating = “a sense of gassiness, or being distended, an uncomfortable build up of gassy or fluidy pressure in the abdomen”. Fermentation & a reasonable amount of gas production are totally...

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woman sitting on sand drinking water

Naturopathic Support For Menopausal Vaginal Dryness

Due to popular demand, this is a follow on from my recent perimenopause blog: You may wish to read that ...

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diverticulitis highlighted in dictionary: some natural treatment tips

Diverticulitis - Some Naturopathic Tips

Every week I hear this sentence or something like it, from disappointed market customers as they pick up a bag of Blend11: ‘oh I can’t eat seeds, I have diverticulosis, no best poos ever for me th...

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