Changed My Life - FOREVER
So I sat down this afternoon thinking ok - I need to write a newsletter in the next 30mins, before the kids are finished school ? this might be a quick & mediocre one!!
But then (Thankyou Thankyou!!) I opened my inbox, & behold!! Something infinitely better than anything I could write (even if I had been ahead of schedule)! This customer is an inspiration to everyone - with or without gut issues, & has even shared some awesome tips for the gut-conscious travellers & sports people.
Sometimes it takes trial & error to figure out exactly what works for you, but the effort pays off big-time when you do figure it out ?
the email... We arrived back home in Australia after five wonderful weeks holidaying around Europe. WOW it was amazing. Every night for 35 days I would make up a small batch of Blend 11 for the next morning, which I would have with or without yogurt, because I could not read the French or Italian labelled yoghurts as most would have a lot of sugar in them and maybe I would add some fruit as an extra, if I had remembered to buy it. I forgot to take it for just 1 day and I knew about it the next.
Photo credit: http://www.blakebeckford.co.uk
My Personal Trainer was fantastic and listened to me, he suggested that I start running. Just 10 weeks before the Bridge to Brisbane and a team of 10 gym members I did it. As I ran I still suffered mild diarrhoea but I loved the freedom of running, it was refreshing, exhausting and energising all in one. Over the course of 4 months I met a friend that recommended Blend 11 for constipation, I think he had never heard of Crohn’s Disease. Another friend introduced me to some material on the Low Carb High Fat Diet, and another to Intermittent Dieting. I tried it all and everything worked, yep even the Blend11. I tested over 3 months cracking the combination of what would work and what would not. All variations had some benefits, but ultimately together Blend11, running, LCHF Diet and Intermittent Dieting I had found after 35 years something that has changed my life. FOREVER.
I’ve run 10k maybe 100 times now even 21.1k around 10 times now. I’m currently training for my first Marathon and I have my goal set on a 100k in the Blue Mountains in 2018. During my holidays, I discovered a town called Chamonix in France, it is famous for Mt Blanc some 4810 metres above sea level, yes snow on top. But the town is in a valley and absolutely filled with golden rays of warmth. But why I mention this is they hold every year many different trail running distance events on one of the most beautiful mountains on earth. I plan to run it over the next couple of years with a solid training plan and of course I will take my Blend11 the day before.
To the team at Goodmix and their Blend11 thank you, I couldn’t live without it now.
Dino B
..end email
I just loved hearing this! If you have a story to share - please do (especially on Wednesday afternoons)! Jeanie Xx jeanie@goodmix.com.au
the email... We arrived back home in Australia after five wonderful weeks holidaying around Europe. WOW it was amazing. Every night for 35 days I would make up a small batch of Blend 11 for the next morning, which I would have with or without yogurt, because I could not read the French or Italian labelled yoghurts as most would have a lot of sugar in them and maybe I would add some fruit as an extra, if I had remembered to buy it. I forgot to take it for just 1 day and I knew about it the next.
Let me explain, I have had Crohn’s disease for 35 years, 3 surgeries later and 1.5metres less of small intestine. I constantly have to deal with diarrhoea and the urgency to go no matter where you are, even on a European holiday.
Just four years ago on the 29th of July my intestine perforated, and this event changed my life forever. I had taken for 15 years autoimmune suppressant medication and my body was a mess, it just wasn’t healing as fast as the Doctors would have liked. After 10 long days in hospital and a stoma bag attached, I went home almost 10 kilos lighter and also my muscles had wasted because I just wasn’t able to move out of bed for 7 days. That was hard, I have a selfie to remind me what I don’t want in my life anymore. After 18 months of being extremely cautious due to major surgery and following medical advice to a T, I still had mild diarrhoea. Bugger. I start exercising at the local gym lifting light weights and absolutely hated it, but I knew I had to do things differently this time as my next hospital visit in the long term future possibly meant a lifelong stoma bag attached. That was ok as Blake Beckford became my online mentor, note photo insert below. If Blake could turn his life around and become the first male model in the UK with a stoma bag, I could do it? Check blakes website out and read his story.
I just loved hearing this! If you have a story to share - please do (especially on Wednesday afternoons)! Jeanie Xx jeanie@goodmix.com.au