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Article: Spicy Winter Bircher

Spicy Winter Bircher

Spicy Winter Bircher

Mix yoghurt, Blend11 & water (1:1:1) in a bowl and leave overnight (oats may be added as well - for a more traditional Bircher - also in equal quantity (making it 1:1:1:1). You may choose to add less water for a richer, thicker consistency. Five:am Vanilla Bean yoghurt or Pure n Free vanilla coconut yoghurt are both great in this recipe, but any will work :) In the morning sprinkle with a half teaspoon each (approx - just adjust to your taste) of:
- ground cinnamon
- ground ginger
- maca powder
- raw cacao powder
Super nourishing, warming and deliciously different. Top with some chopped banana or berries & eat in the morning sun :) (Or just mix everything the night before in a container, ready for a quick morning tea at work next day)!

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Lemon Slice Balls

Including lemons which are alkalizing and contain loads of vitamin C and Bioflavenoids (anti-inflammatory & support vitamin C)! Ingredients 120g dry Blend 11 activated overnight 1cup ground alm...

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Thank you Sharee - this recipe looks scrummy!! Adding the teeccino (herbal 'coffee' blend - no caffeine) makes for a rich and earthy snack or desert! - Ingredient...

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