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Article: goodMix truffles

goodMix truffles

goodMix truffles

Thank you Sharee - this recipe looks scrummy!! Adding the teeccino (herbal 'coffee' blend - no caffeine) makes for a rich and earthy snack or desert! -


1/2 cup raw nuts of choice 1/2 cup dried fruit of choice 1 cup Blend 11 1 tbs teeccino 1 tbs cacao powder 2 tbs nut butter


Put all ingredients except cacao and nut butter into a shallow bowl. Soak in just enough hot water to cover ingredients. When dried fruit is soft (or next day) blend all ingredients together until smooth or to desired consistency. If you have a sweet tooth, feel free to add in a little maple syrup here. Roll into small balls and place on tray lined with baking paper. Put in freezer and eat whenever you like! Balls can be rolled in coconut, chia seeds or even oats to change things up.

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Spicy Winter Bircher

Spicy Winter Bircher

Mix yoghurt, Blend11 & water (1:1:1) in a bowl and leave overnight (oats may be added as well - for a more traditional Bircher - also in equal quantity (making it 1:1:1:1). You may choose to a...

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Super Oats Mix

Super Oats Mix

A big thank you to Madelaine for this simple yet great recipe!! She says ... "Best start to the day & keeps me full for hours!" we would agree. Ingredients 1/4 cup Blend 11 1/4 traditional ...

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