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11 Foods That Cause Bloating & How To Reduce It

11 Foods That Cause Bloating & How To Reduce It

Bloating: a sense of gassiness or being distended; an uncomfortable build up of gassy or fluidy pressure in the abdomenFermentation and a reasonable amount of gas production are totally normal feat...

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Blend11 - The FAQ's

Blend11 - The FAQ's

Here’s a list of the most frequently asked questions we get at markets about Blend11! Hopefully if you have a burning question, it’s covered. If not, feel free to reply & I’ll do my best! (If y...

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image of kiwi with the words fodmap diet

What Does FODMAP Stand For?

Limiting dietary FODMAPs is an effective treatment for many people with symptoms of IBS. The diet has been published in international medical journals and is now widely recommended as one of the mo...

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