
Is Dark Chocolate A Prebiotic?
At this time of year we can all go a bit over board guzzling chocolates & end up feeling crappy. However many people may not realise that there is a 'good side' to a quality chocolate hit. In f...
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9 Ways To Eat Healthy On A Budget!
It’s so common for a person in front of our goodMix market stall to say ‘whoa - it’s a bit expensive’, & walk off munching on their giant hotdog.
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Paleo or raw vegan, what's a human supposed to eat these days?
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7 Natural Skin Care Tips for the Winter
Naturopath and goodMix creator Jeanie - gives these seven easy to use tips that should dramatically help dry and irritated winter skin.
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What to do when you feel exhausted MOST of the time - adrenal fatigue
Burning that candle at both ends? If so then it might pay to give your adrenals some rest & TLC!
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Constipation is not an illness in itself, it's just a symptom - which can have many causes & contributing factors including..
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The acid / alkaline diet is pretty controversial (claims vs scientific mechanisms / studies etc), but everyone agrees that we need to place more focus on getting a higher mineral intake (alkaline m...
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This sign certainly attracts a lot of attention at our goodMix market stalls! There are lots of laughs, wacky photo opportunities and looks of utter disbelief from people; questions from bewildered...
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How To Activate Nuts And Seeds
You’ve probably heard of ‘activated’ nuts & seeds by now (most health shops have them), but you may still be wondering what makes them so special (& why they’re so darn expensive)!
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